My name is Lakshmi Kandel

I gave birth to my younger son when my older son was just shy of 2 years and three months old. We potty trained my older son when he was 2.5 years old and transitioned him to a "big boy bed" shortly after that. My husband and I enjoyed some restful nights of sleep following this transition, though this was short-lived once my older son started to develop nightmares and run into our room on a nightly basis. I recall feeling so hopeless and stressed out at this time as I was also the mom of a young baby struggling to get ample rest between the overnight feeds. I recall anxiously watching both of my sons' monitors throughout the night, just waiting for the next issue to arise.

Would my older son wake my younger son up in the process of running into our room in distress? Would this phase ever end? What were we doing wrong?

Lakshmi Kandel Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Our solution was for my husband to camp out in my older son's room while I cared for our youngest throughout the night. After about two months, we realized that we were barely surviving, no longer thriving and that something needed to change. This is when we sought a gentle sleep coach who gave us support and a plan that worked wonders! Within a week, my older son slept independently during nap time and overnight! We even returned to have a conversation with our gentle sleep coach once my youngest started to struggle with sleep disruptions and received the support needed to move forward in a direction that worked for us.

I now tell every person I come across that I value sleep so much and that a well-rested parent is a more mindful parent who can be more present with their children. I obtained my Gentle Sleep Coach Certification because I am passionate about helping other parents get the sleep they need and deserve. This isn't a one size fits all approach, and I am determined to work with you on your sleep goals so that you can be the best parent you can be for yourself and your family. So let's get to it!